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jetpack 4.0 fatal error

2016-04-21 KENNETH 0

20160421 jetpack 4.0 이 릴리즈 되었습니다. 허나 업데이트 하고 나면 사이트에 문제가 발생하고 있습니다. 에러 메세지는 Fatal error: Cannot find a library with slug in /WEB_PATH/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/require-lib.php on line 35 이며.. 기존 버전에는 존재하던 plugins/jetpack/ 파일이 누락되 었기 때문인것 같습니다.   해당 플러그인을 삭제 처리하거나 이전 버전을 사용해야합니다.

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mysql-5.7 Client Error Codes and Messages

2016-04-05 KENNETH 0

Client Error Codes and Messages Client error information comes from the following source files: The Error values and the symbols in parentheses correspond to definitions in the include/errmsg.h MySQL source file. The Message values correspond to the error messages that are listed in the libmysql/errmsg.c file. %d and %s represent numbers and strings, respectively, that are substituted into the messages when they are displayed. Because updates are frequent, it is possible that those files will contain additional error information not listed here. Error: 2000 (CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR) Message: Unknown MySQL error Error: 2001 (CR_SOCKET_CREATE_ERROR) Message: Can’t create UNIX socket (%d) Error: 2002 (CR_CONNECTION_ERROR) Message: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ’%s’ (%d) Error: 2003 (CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR) Message: Can’t connect to MySQL server on ’%s’ (%d) Error: 2004 (CR_IPSOCK_ERROR) Message: Can’t create TCP/IP socket (%d) Error: 2005 (CR_UNKNOWN_HOST) Message: Unknown MySQL server [ more… ]

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mysql-5.7 Server Error Codes and Messages

2016-04-05 KENNETH 0

Server Error Codes and Messages MySQL programs have access to several types of error information when the server returns an error. For example, the mysql client program displays errors using the following format: shell> SELECT * FROM no_such_table; ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table ‘test.no_such_table’ doesn’t exist The message displayed contains three types of information: A numeric error code (1146). This number is MySQL-specific and is not portable to other database systems. A five-character SQLSTATE value (’42S02′). The values are taken from ANSI SQL and ODBC and are more standardized. Not all MySQL error numbers have corresponding SQLSTATE values. In these cases, ‘HY000’ (general error) is used. A message string that provides a textual description of the error. For error checking, use error codes, not error messages. Error messages do not change often, but it is possible. Also if the database administrator [ more… ]

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samba failing to start after centos7.2(rhel7.2) update

2016-01-04 KENNETH 0

samba failing to start after centos7.2(rhel7.2) update 환경 : CentOS-7.2 (64bit)   증상 얼마전 제공된 centos-7.2 업데이트 이후 갑자기 samba 구동이 되지 않음 # systemctl start smb Job for smb.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See “systemctl status smb.service” and “journalctl -xe” for details. ???? 사실 이 때 까지만 해도 7.2업데이트(정확히는 samba 업데이트) 때문에 발생한 문제 라는 것을 몰랐음.   서비스 확인 # systemctl status smb ● smb.service – Samba SMB Daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/smb.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since 월 2016-01-04 12:35:20 KST; 39s ago Main PID: 19226 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) 1월 04 12:35:20 lvs1 systemd[1]: Starting Samba SMB Daemon… 1월 04 12:35:20 lvs1 systemd[1]: smb.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE 1월 04 12:35:20 lvs1 systemd[1]: Failed to start Samba SMB Daemon. 1월 04 12:35:20 lvs1 systemd[1]: Unit smb.service entered failed state. [ more… ]

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can’t start httpd(apache-2.4) with ssl module

2015-12-15 KENNETH 0

  아파치에 SSL모듈 및 가상호스트 설정후 아래 로그와 함께 아파치가 시작이 되지 않음   환경 OS : linux apache : 2.4   로그 [ssl:emerg] [pid 11900] AH02572: Failed to configure at least one certificate and key for [ssl:emerg] [pid 11900] SSL Library Error: error:140A80B1:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_check_private_key:no certificate assigned [ssl:emerg] [pid 11900] AH02312: Fatal error initialising mod_ssl, exiting. AH00016: Configuration Failed 일단 SSL관련 오류가 발생 특이한 것은 SSL적용 대상이 아닌 도메인에 대해 ( 으로 에러 로그가 기록됨   의문 인증서 파일에 문제가 있어도 발생할 수 있는 에러이지만… 아무리 확인을 해봐도 인증서에는 문제가 없고(동일한 환경에서 잘 사용중인 인증서) 환경도 별다른 문제가 없어 보였는데…     문제점 SSLEngine On 설정이 전역으로 들어간 것이 문제;;;;;;;   정상 <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName . . SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile …. SSLCertificateKeyFile …. </VirtualHost>   문제 SSLEngine on . <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName . . SSLCertificateFile …. SSLCertificateKeyFile [ more… ]