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윈도우폰에서 앱 설치가 되지 않을때

2015-03-28 KENNETH 0

1. 증상 윈도우폰 8, 8.1 에서 앱을 설치하거나 업데이트를 하지 못함 2. 오류번호 error code : 80070020 3. 해결법 설정 -> 날짜+시간 수동 또는 자동으로 재설정을 해주면 됨… 참고 :

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삼바에서 “smb_pwd_check_ntlmv1: incorrect password length” 에러가 발생할때

2015-03-18 KENNETH 0  Q: How can I fix the “smb_pwd_check_ntlmv1: incorrect password length” errors I keep seeing in my logs? A: People have reported different causes / solutions for this error. The most likely solutions are #1 & #2 but feel free to try the others. If you are using Windows 7 or Vista clients you might want to check your LAN Manager Authentication settings as in –dead link {[SOLVED] smb_pwd_check_ntlmv1: incorrect password length} –. See also –dead link {SMB Errors When Copying Files [SOLVED] Windows 7} –. Read Authentication Issues; Microsoft Article ID: 954387 for more details. If you are using Domain Authentication, the CIFS/SMB (Samba) auxiliary parameter use spnego = false has been reported to prevent this error. This may also work with other authentication methods. See –dead link {Windows 7 and Nas4Free} – If you enabled LDAP [ more… ]