Mitigating the HTTPoxy Vulnerability with NGINX
Mitigating the HTTPoxy Vulnerability with NGINX On July 18th, a vulnerability named ‘HTTPoxy’ was announced, affecting some server-side web applications that run in CGI or CGI-like environments, such as some FastCGI configurations. Languages known to be affected so far include PHP, Python, and Go. The vulnerability was mentioned on the NGINX mailing list in July, 2013, by Jonathan Matthews. This month, it was found in the wild. A number of CVEs have been assigned, covering specific languages and CGI implementations: CVE-2016-5385: PHP CVE-2016-5386: Go CVE-2016-5387: Apache HTTP Server CVE-2016-5388: Apache Tomcat CVE-2016-1000109: HHVM CVE-2016-1000110: Python There is a new website describing the vulnerability, a CERT vulnerability note, and a description of the discovery of the vulnerability. There is additional information on the personal website of Dominic Scheirlinck, an open source web developer at Vend. This post describes the vulnerability and [ more… ]