Windows 10 Tip: Get the most power out of your Windows 10 PC with Game Mode
With the Windows 10 Creators Update, we’re introducing a new feature called Game Mode. Game Mode provides a better and more consistent gaming experience on Windows 10, by dedicating more system resources to your game. Game Mode’s performance gain is found in providing, on average, more sustainable framerates for gamers, particularly when your hardware is experiencing resource contention.
Game Mode can be activated from the Game bar. To use Game Mode, make sure it’s turned on for each game you play.
To turn on Game Mode:
- Press Windows + G to pull up the Game bar
- Click Settings
- The new Game Mode option will appear, to enable the feature on a per-title basis
- Check the box to enable Game Mode for the specific title; once checked, Windows 10 will save this enablement setting for future use. Important note: if at any time you wish to disable Game Mode, you will need to reverse this step (un-check the per-title enablement within the Game bar) in order to deactivate it.
- Some games may have Game Mode turned on automatically. If the game is already running Game Mode, the check box will already be selected.
With the Creators Update, Game Mode is enabled system-wide by default. To view or change this setting at any time:
- Go to Start, and click on “Settings”
- Select “Gaming” from the settings menu (the Xbox logo)
- Select “Game Mode” from the left-hand menu.
Have a great week!
Source: Windows 10 Tip: Get the most power out of your Windows 10 PC with Game Mode
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