WordPress 4.5.3 Maintenance and Security Release

WordPress 4.5.3 Maintenance and Security Release

WordPress 4.5.3 is now available. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately.

WordPress versions 4.5.2 and earlier are affected by several security issues: redirect bypass in the customizer, reported by Yassine Aboukir; two different XSS problems via attachment names, reported by Jouko Pynnönen and Divyesh Prajapati; revision history information disclosure, reported independently by John Blackbourn from the WordPress security team and by Dan Moen; oEmbed denial of service reported by Jennifer Dodd from Automattic; unauthorized category removal from a post, reported by David Herrera from Alley Interactive; password change via stolen cookie, reported by Michael Adams from the WordPress security team; and some less secure sanitize_file_name edge cases reported by Peter Westwood of  the WordPress security team.

Thank you to the reporters for practicing responsible disclosure.

In addition to the security issues above, WordPress 4.5.3 fixes 17 bugs from 4.5, 4.5.1 and 4.5.2. For more information, see the release notes or consult the list of changes.

Download WordPress 4.5.3 or venture over to Dashboard → Updates and simply click “Update Now.” Sites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update to WordPress 4.5.3.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to 4.5.3:

Boone Gorges, Silvan Hagenvortfu, Eric Andrew LewisNikolay Bachiyski,  Michael Adams, Jeremy FeltDominik SchillingWeston RuterDion HulseRachel BakerAlex ConchaJennifer M. DoddBrandon Kraft, Gary Pendergast, Ella Iseulde Van Dorpe, Joe McGill, Pascal Birchler, Sergey BiryukovDavid Herrera and Adam Silverstein.

Source: WordPress 4.5.3 Maintenance and Security Release

About KENNETH 19694 Articles

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