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RHBA-2018:2287-1: Red Hat Network Tools bug fix update

2018-07-31 KENNETH 0

RHBA-2018:2287-1: Red Hat Network Tools bug fix update Red Hat Enterprise Linux: An updated spacewalk-remote-utils package that fixes several bugs is available for Red Hat Network Tools. Source: RHBA-2018:2287-1: Red Hat Network Tools bug fix update

AWS 주간 소식 모음 – 2018년 7월 30일

2018-07-30 KENNETH 0

AWS 주간 소식 모음 – 2018년 7월 30일 안녕하세요! 여러분~ 매주 월요일 마다 지난 주에 업데이트된 국내 AWS관련 콘텐츠를 정리해 드립니다. AWS 클라우드에 대한 새로운 소식을 확인하시는데 많은 도움 되시길 바랍니다. 혹시 빠지거나 추가할 내용이 있으시면, 저에게 메일 주시면 추가 공유해 드리겠습니다. AWS코리아 블로그 Amazon EC2 신규 인스턴스 출시: R5, R5d 및 z1d 인스턴스 (2018-07-27) Amazon DynamoDB 글로벌 테이블, 서울 리전 출시 (2018-07-26) 리전간 VPC 피어링, 서울 리전 출시 (2018-07-26) Amazon MQ, 서울 리전 출시 (2018-07-26) Amazon SageMaker, 배치 변환 기능 및 TensorFlow 컨테이너를 위한 파이프 입력 모드 추가 (2018-07-23) AWS 추천 콘텐츠 AWS codebuild + codecov 로 저렴하게 android CI 구축하기 (2018-07-30) K8s on AWS 관리 스크립트 (2018-07-30) AWS 클라우드 인스턴스 크기 선택 (2018-07-29) 모씨 서비스 구성에 대해 (2018-07-29) MFA 코드와 AWS CLI를 이용해 로그인하기 (2018-07-29) AWS 최신 뉴스 Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator(DAX) r4 인스턴스 유형, 이제 아시아 태평양(도쿄) 리전에서 사용 [ more… ]

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The MySQL 8.0.12 Maintenance Release is Generally Available

2018-07-28 KENNETH 0

The MySQL 8.0.12 Maintenance Release is Generally Available The MySQL Development team is very happy to announce that MySQL 8.0.12, the first 8.0 Maintenance Release, is now available for download at In addition to bug fixes there are a few new features added in this release, most notably the InnoDB instant add column feature. … Source: The MySQL 8.0.12 Maintenance Release is Generally Available

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MySQL Shell 8.0.12 – storing MySQL passwords securely

2018-07-27 KENNETH 0

MySQL Shell 8.0.12 – storing MySQL passwords securely MySQL Shell 8.0.12 introduces a new feature which allows users to store and automatically retrieve their MySQL account credentials. This enables them to seamlessly work with various servers without explicitly providing the password for each new connection and create secure unattended scripts which do not need to include plain text passwords.… Source: MySQL Shell 8.0.12 – storing MySQL passwords securely

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Recognizing Q4 Top 5 Bounty Hunters

2018-07-27 KENNETH 0

Recognizing Q4 Top 5 Bounty Hunters We have tabulated the results from April-June 2018.  The Top 5 Bounty Hunters for Q4 are now in.  As with our list from Q3, we want to recognize both the leaders in payouts and in number of successful submissions.  We appreciate the hard work and dedication of the following individuals and companies who have contributed to securing Microsoft’s products and services over our fourth quarter. Top 5 Bounty Hunters by Award: 1.       Xiao Wei of Qihoo 360 Vulcan Team – $80,000 2.       Yuki Chen of Qihoo 360 Vulcan Team – $45,000 3.       Marcin Towalski (@mtowalski1) – $35,000 4.       Qixun Zhao (@S0rryMybad) of Qihoo 360 Vulcan Team – $30,000 4.       Soroush Dalili (@irsdl) of NCC Group – $30,000   Top 5 Bounty Hunters by Qualifying Bounty Submissions: 1.       Ashar Javed (@soaj1664ashar) – 23 Submissions 2.       [ more… ]