[도서] 딥러닝과 바둑

2020-05-20 KENNETH 0

[도서] 딥러닝과 바둑 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]딥러닝과 바둑 막스 펌펄라,케빈 퍼거슨 공저/권정민 역 | 한빛미디어 | 2020년 06월 판매가 32,400원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 1,800원(5%지급) 무늬만 바둑봇을 알파고 제로 성능으로 환골탈태시키자 2016년 세상을 공포와 충격에 빠트린 알파고는 알파고 제로에 완패를 당해 쓸슬히 퇴역했다. 이런 알파고의 드라마틱한 역정을 지켜본 개발자라면 한 번쯤 Source: [도서] 딥러닝과 바둑

[도서] 마인드스톰

2020-05-20 KENNETH 0

[도서] 마인드스톰 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]마인드스톰 시모어 패퍼트 저/이현경 역 | 인사이트(insight) | 2020년 06월 판매가 19,800원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 1,100원(5%지급) 컴퓨팅 교육에서 출발하여 교육의 근원적인 목적을 성찰한 고전 『마인드스톰』은 1980년 초판 출간 이후 학교에서 컴퓨터 혁명에 불을 붙인 책으로 평가받고 있으며 교실에서 창의적인 방식으로 컴퓨터를 활용할 Source: [도서] 마인드스톰

Developing for all 1 billion Windows 10 devices and beyond

2020-05-20 KENNETH 0

Developing for all 1 billion Windows 10 devices and beyond This year, Microsoft Build 2020 is a digital-only event that we all get to experience from the comfort of our homes. We hope you enjoy learning about the new features and technologies that matter most to you. Today, I will have the privilege of sharing how developers can build apps for modern work using Microsoft 365 and Windows platforms. I will focus on 4 key areas of improvements to the Windows platform: Unifying app development across the billion Windows 10 devices for all your current and future apps; Leaning into the cloud and enabling new scenarios for your Windows apps; Creating new opportunities for you to build connected apps using Microsoft 365 integration in the Windows experience; and Making Windows great for developer productivity. Unifying app development across the billion [ more… ]

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Introducing WinUI 3 Preview 1

2020-05-20 KENNETH 0

Introducing WinUI 3 Preview 1 Today at Microsoft Build 2020 the WinUI team is excited to announce the latest version of WinUI 3 available for public preview: WinUI 3 Preview 1. This preview expands the world of WinUI to an even wider audience of developers – the previously-released WinUI 3 Alpha was only available to UWP app developers, but Preview 1 now enables WinUI usage in Desktop (Win32) apps as well! What is WinUI? WinUI is Microsoft’s most advanced user interface technology for building Windows apps. There are two versions of WinUI in active development: WinUI 2 and WinUI 3. WinUI 2 is a library of Fluent-based UI controls & styles for UWP XAML apps; it was first shipped in Oct 2018 and its latest release is v2.4 which came out recently on May 8th. WinUI 3 is a currently-in-development, [ more… ]

Everything new from Microsoft Edge at Build 2020

2020-05-20 KENNETH 0

Everything new from Microsoft Edge at Build 2020 Microsoft Build 2020 can be defined by a set of ‘firsts’—it’s the first Build of the new decade, the first Build that’s all-digital for 24 hours a day, and the first Build since the new Microsoft Edge launched! We’re learning a lot as we deliver Build and Microsoft Edge in new ways. Last year at Build, we unveiled what was coming with the new Microsoft Edge. Since then we haven’t stopped innovating to build a browser that’s right for you, with world-class performance and more security, more productivity, and more value as you browse. We’ve introduced tools to give you more control over your privacy with Tracking prevention. We’ve added new ways to be more productive with Collections. And with Give Mode, we’ve turned searching with Bing into an easy way to [ more… ]