Best Practices for Managing Internal APIs

2020-09-03 KENNETH 0

Best Practices for Managing Internal APIs Some consumer‑facing APIs are so widespread they’ve become household names – think Google Maps and Stripe – but internal APIs are the real powerhouse of the API economy. Internal APIs – by which we mean APIs exposed only to clients and developers within an organization – are a key pillar for an enterprise’s digital transformation efforts. Building internal APIs is usually the first step in the development of digital products and services. In fact, according to IDC’s recent survey, APIs – The Determining Agents Between Success or Failure of Digital Business, supporting internal integration of applications and products is one of the top priorities for API development initiatives in enterprises. Why are internal APIs important? What are the benefits of internal APIs? And crucially, what’s the most optimal architecture to manage them? This blog addresses these questions to help [ more… ]

[도서] 엑셀2016으로 경영하는 놀이공원

2020-09-03 KENNETH 0

[도서] 엑셀2016으로 경영하는 놀이공원 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]엑셀2016으로 경영하는 놀이공원 KIE 기획연구실 저 | 아카데미소프트 | 2020년 09월 판매가 10,800원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 600원(5%지급) 각 차시별로 학습할 내용과 완성된 결과 이미지를 보여준다. 또한 해당 차시와 관련된 경영 스토리를 읽어보고, 주제에 맞추어 픽셀아트 작품을 완성할 수 있도록 구성했다. 놀이공원 경영을 주제로 한 재미있는 예 Source: [도서] 엑셀2016으로 경영하는 놀이공원

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ASUS unveils new laptop lineup with 11th Gen Intel Core Processors and debuts first portable PC verified as an Intel Evo platform design

2020-09-03 KENNETH 0

ASUS unveils new laptop lineup with 11th Gen Intel Core Processors and debuts first portable PC verified as an Intel Evo platform design The post ASUS unveils new laptop lineup with 11th Gen Intel Core Processors and debuts first portable PC verified as an Intel Evo platform design appeared first on Windows Blog. Source: ASUS unveils new laptop lineup with 11th Gen Intel Core Processors and debuts first portable PC verified as an Intel Evo platform design