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Small business owners can find security, reliability and sustainability with Windows 11 PCs

2023-05-03 KENNETH 0

Small business owners can find security, reliability and sustainability with Windows 11 PCs Microsoft’s mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more includes empowering small and medium-sized business owners with the technology they need to participate and thrive in an inclusive, digital economy. SMBs, so often the backbone of local economies and communities around the world, are celebrated every year through National Small Business Week. This year, that’s April 30 to May 6. Small business owners who believe technology is key to their successful digital transformation look to security and reliability as intertwined and important factors in deciding which PCs to use as they grow. With Windows 11, they can reduce risk from cyberattack with new, modern devices optimized for security and hybrid work and guard against evolving threats from the moment they turn [ more… ]

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Announcing NGINX Plus R29

2023-05-02 KENNETH 0

Announcing NGINX Plus R29 We’re happy to announce the availability of NGINX Plus Release 29 (R29). Based on NGINX Open Source, NGINX Plus is the only all-in-one software web server, load balancer, reverse proxy, content cache, and API gateway. New and enhanced features in NGINX Plus R29 include: Support for MQTT protocol– Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a lightweight protocol used for communication between devices in the Internet of Things (IoT). NGINX Plus R29 supports the MQTT protocol with Preread and Filter modules that introduce multiple new directives and variables to help manage and secure MQTT traffic. SAML support for authentication and authorization – Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is a well-established protocol that provides single sign-on (SSO) to web applications. NGINX Plus can now be configured as a SAML service provider (SP) to authenticate users against a SAML [ more… ]

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USN-6053-1: PHP vulnerability

2023-05-02 KENNETH 0

USN-6053-1: PHP vulnerability It was discovered that PHP incorrectly handled certain invalid Blowfish password hashes. An invalid password hash could possibly allow applications to accept any password as valid, contrary to expectations. Source: USN-6053-1: PHP vulnerability

How to change data collection interval for sysstat on RHEL9 or Ubuntu22.04

2023-05-02 KENNETH 0

sysstat 의 수집시간 변경하기   OS : RHEL9 / Ubuntu-22.04 기본값 : 10분     기존 방법 OS : RHEL8 이하 / Ubuntu-20.04 이하 /etc/cron.d/sysstat     변경된 방법 RHEL9 : /etc/cron.d/sysstat 파일 자체가 없음 Ubuntu-22.04 : /etc/cron.d/sysstat 파일은 있으나 수정해도, 수집 시간이 변경되지 않음 /lib/systemd/system/sysstat-collect.timer      

[도서] 쉽게 설명한 C++ 핵심 가이드라인

2023-05-02 KENNETH 0

[도서] 쉽게 설명한 C++ 핵심 가이드라인 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]쉽게 설명한 C++ 핵심 가이드라인 라이너 그림 저/류광 역 | 인사이트(insight) | 2023년 05월 판매가 33,300원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 1,850원(5%지급) 이벤트 : 모셔가는 개발자 되기! 코딩테스트 대비 도서전 “C++ 핵심 가이드라인의 규칙들을 좀 더 많은 사람이 수월하게 익히게 한다는, 어렵고도 꼭 필요한 작업을 저자가 자신의 교육 기술과 업계 경험을 적용해서 완수했다는 것은 우리 C++ 핵심 가이드라인 편집자들에 Source: [도서] 쉽게 설명한 C++ 핵심 가이드라인