Drive to the Music You Love in Forza Horizon 3 with Groove

2016-09-10 KENNETH 0

Drive to the Music You Love in Forza Horizon 3 with Groove Forza Horizon always gives players the chance to drive to the music they love, and today we’re excited to unveil that Forza Horizon 3 is taking it to an all-new level! The Forza Horizon 3 original soundtrack features a broader musical selection than any Horizon game before with nearly 150 songs across eight, in-game radio stations. On top of returning favorites like Horizon Pulse and Horizon Bass Arena, several new stations add new and classic hits from genres across hip hop, indie rock, punk/metal, and of course, classical music. There’s even more to the Forza Horizon 3 music experience than a sweet soundtrack. Now, for the first time ever, you can rock music you choose as you drive the Horizon with a Groove Music Pass on Xbox One [ more… ]

Amazon Aurora 기능 업데이트 – 병렬 미리 읽기, 고속 인덱싱 , NUMA 인식 등

2016-09-09 KENNETH 0

Amazon Aurora 기능 업데이트 – 병렬 미리 읽기, 고속 인덱싱 , NUMA 인식 등 Amazon Aurora는 현재 가장 빠르게 성장하고 있는 AWS 서비스입니다. 클라우드에 최적화된 관계형 데이터베이스 엔진으로서 Amazon Aurora – New Cost-Effective MySQL-Compatible Database Engine for Amazon RDS는 높은 성능 향상과 최대 64TB까지 원활하게 스토리지 확장 및 견고성과 가용성 향상을 실현하였습니다. Aurora을 MySQL 호환 엔진으로 디자인함으로써 고객은 기존 애플리케이션을 마이그레이션하거나 새로운 응용 프로그램 구축할 때 더욱 간단하게 접근하실 수 있습니다.오늘 추가로 세 가지 성능을 개선하는 새로운 기능을 Aurora에 추가했습니다. 각각의 기능은 AWS를 많이 이용하는 고객의 일반적인 워크로드에서 Aurora 성능을 최대로 개선하도록 설계되었습니다. 병렬 미리 읽기(Parallel Read Ahead) – 구간 선택, 전체 테이블 스캔, 테이블 변경, 인덱스 생성을 최대 5배 빠르게 성능 개선 빠른 인덱싱(Faster Index Build) – 인덱스 생성 시간을 약 75% 단축 NUMA 인식 스케줄링(NUMA-Aware Scheduling) – 두 개 이상의 CPU가 탑재 된 데이터베이스 인스턴스를 사용하는 경우, 쿼리 [ more… ]

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Device to Device Communication with Azure IoT Hub

2016-09-09 KENNETH 0

Device to Device Communication with Azure IoT Hub We’ve already seen how to get your devices to send data to the cloud. In most cases, the data is then processed by various Azure services. However, in some cases the cloud is nothing more than a means of communication between two devices. Imagine a Raspberry Pi connected to a garage door. Telling the Raspberry Pi to open or close the door from a phone should only require a minimal amount of cloud programming. There is no data processing; the cloud simply relays a message from the phone to the Pi. Or perhaps the Raspberry Pi is connected to a motion sensor and you’d like an alert on your phone when it detects movement. In this blog post, we will experiment with implementing device-to-device communication with as little cloud-side programming as possible. [ more… ]

Using nginScript to Progressively Transition Clients to a New Server

2016-09-09 KENNETH 0

Using nginScript to Progressively Transition Clients to a New Server Building customized upstream selection with JavaScript code With the launch of NGINX Plus R10, we introduced a preview release of our next‑generation programmatic configuration language, nginScript. nginScript is a unique JavaScript implementation for NGINX and NGINX Plus, designed specifically for server‑side use cases and per‑request processing. One of the key benefits of nginScript is the ability to read and set NGINX configuration variables. The variables can then be used to make custom routing decisions unique to the needs of the environment. This means that you can use the power of JavaScript to implement complex functionality that directly impacts request processing. Editor – This is the fourth in a series of blog posts that explore the new features in NGINX Plus R10 in depth. This list will be expanded as later articles are published. Authenticating API Clients [ more… ]

Windows IoT Core Extension for Visual Studio Code

2016-09-09 KENNETH 0

Windows IoT Core Extension for Visual Studio Code About the Windows IoT Core Extension for VS Code Visual Studio Code is the first code editor and first cross-platform development tool – supporting OS X, Linux, and Windows – in the Visual Studio family. Windows 10 IoT Core already supports popular boards like Raspberry Pi2, MinnowBoard Max and DragonBoard, and because Node.js continues to see a lot of excitement in the maker community, we have been continuously improving and expanding the Node.js support for Windows 10 IoT Core. Using Visual Studio Code and the new Window Iot Core Extension for VS Code, you can write a Node.js script, deploy it to a Windows IoT Core device and then run it from the development machine of your choice, whether it runs OS X, Linux or Windows. Install VS Code To get VS [ more… ]