New Twitter app for Windows 10 available from Microsoft Store

New Twitter app for Windows 10 available from Microsoft Store

Available today, Twitter’s new app for Windows 10 is better than ever. It supports features that people on Twitter love, including longer Tweets, the Explore tab to find topics relevant to your interests, and the ability to bookmark Tweets to be read later. The new app also supports unique Windows features, including a refreshed look and feel with taskbar pinning, push notifications in Action Center, and share integration with Windows apps. Additional features like night mode are coming soon.

Twitter app for Windows 10

Twitter’s new Windows app is built on open web standards, powered by the fast and efficient Microsoft Edge engine in Windows 10. As a Progressive Web App integrated with the Windows platform, Twitter enhanced the in-app experience with unique UWP differentiators like share integration, and more, while building from a common core of web code. For more on the work surrounding PWAs, see here.

The new app replaces previous Twitter Windows desktop and mobile apps**, and we encourage you to download the new Twitter app for Windows 10 from Microsoft Store today!

*Available on Windows 10 PCs and tablets. To download this app, your PC or tablet must be running the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update or Windows 10 April 2018 Update. If you’re not sure which version of Windows your PC is running, visit this link. To learn how to get the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, click here.

** Support for the legacy apps will be phased out over the coming weeks.

Source: New Twitter app for Windows 10 available from Microsoft Store

About KENNETH 19690 Articles

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