Outer Worlds now available on Windows PC and Xbox One

Outer Worlds now available on Windows PC and Xbox One

Two characters in the Outer World environment

The Outer Worlds, which won the best original game at E3 2019, is now available across the Xbox One family of devices, including Xbox One X and Windows PC.

In this game, you awake from hibernation after drifting in space for 70 years on a lost colonist ship, the Hope. Here at the edge of the galaxy, corporations control all aspects of life in Halcyon, and they are hiding a dark secret that could destroy the colony. As you explore multiple locations in the game’s world, you will encounter various factions, and meet a host of multi-faceted characters who may offer assistance in your missions. But choose carefully, as the actions and choices you make will determine how this player-driven story unfolds.

The Outer Worlds is available now for $59.99 for Xbox One and Windows PC through the Epic Games Store and Microsoft Store. It’s also available with Xbox Game Pass for Console and PC.

Find out more on Xbox Wire.

The post Outer Worlds now available on Windows PC and Xbox One appeared first on Windows Blog.

Source: Outer Worlds now available on Windows PC and Xbox One

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