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WordPress 5.0 Beta 4

2018-11-13 KENNETH 0

WordPress 5.0 Beta 4 WordPress 5.0 Beta 4 is now available! This software is still in development, so we don’t recommend you run it on a production site. Consider setting up a test site to play with the new version. There are two ways to test the WordPress 5.0 Beta: try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”), or you can download the beta here (zip). The WordPress 5.0 release date has changed, it is now scheduled for release on November 27, and we need your help to get there. Here are some of the big issues that we’ve fixed since Beta 3: Block Editor The block editor has been updated to match the Gutenberg 4.3 release, the major changes include: An Annotations API, allowing plugins to add contextual data as you write. More consistent keyboard navigation between blocks, as well as back-and-forth [ more… ]

NGINX and the “Power of Two Choices” Load-Balancing Algorithm

2018-11-13 KENNETH 0

NGINX and the “Power of Two Choices” Load-Balancing Algorithm New use cases sometimes require new load‑balancing algorithms, and in NGINX Plus R16 and open source NGINX 1.15.1 we added a new method that is particularly suitable for distributed load balancers: an implementation of the “power of two choices” algorithm. Why Do We Need a New Load‑Balancing Algorithm? Classic load‑balancing methods such as Least Connections work very well when you operate a single active load balancer which maintains a complete view of the state of the load‑balanced nodes. The “power of two choices” approach is not as effective on a single load balancer, but it deftly avoids the bad‑case “herd behavior” that can occur when you scale out to a number of independent load balancers. This scenario is not just observed when you scale out in high‑performance environments; it’s also observed in containerized [ more… ]

AWS GovCloud(미국 동부) 리전 공개

2018-11-13 KENNETH 0

AWS GovCloud(미국 동부) 리전 공개 작년에 AWS GovCloud(미국 동부) 리전을 공개를 준비 중임을 알려드렸습니다. 이 리전은 2011년에 출시된 기존 AWS GovCloud(미국 서부) 리전과 한 쌍입니다. 두번째 GovGloud 리전은 연방, 주 및 지방 정부 기관,  정부와 함께 일하는 IT 계약업체와 보안 규정을 준수 해야하는 고객에게 서비스를 제공할 준비가 되었습니다. 본 리전은 강화된 이중화, 데이터 내구성 및 복원력을 제공하며 재해 복구를 위한 추가 옵션도 제공합니다. 다른 리전과 완전히 격리된 AWS 리전으로, 미국에서 미국 시민에 의해 운영되는 FedRAMP의 High 및 Moderate 기준이 적용됩니다. 심사를 통과한 미국 엔터티와 루트 계정 소유자만 액세스할 수 있으며 액세스 권한을 받으려면 미국인(시민 또는 영주권 소지자)임을 확인해야 합니다. Achieve FedRAMP High Compliance in the AWS GovCloud (US) Region에서 자세한 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다. AWS GovCloud (US)는 심사를 거친 정부 고객과 규제 산업 고객 및 해당 파트너에게 FedRAMP High 기준, DOJ의 CJIS(Criminal Justice Information Systems) 보안 정책, 미국 ITAR(국제무기거래규정), EAR(수출관리규정), [ more… ]

Should You Send Your Pen Test Report to the MSRC?

2018-11-13 KENNETH 0

Should You Send Your Pen Test Report to the MSRC? Every day, the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) receives vulnerability reports from security researchers, technology/industry partners, and customers. We want those reports, because they help us make our products and services more secure. High-quality reports that include proof of concept, details of an attack or demonstration of a vulnerability, and a detailed writeup of the issue are extremely helpful and actionable. If you send these reports to us, thank you! Customers seeking to evaluate and harden their environments may ask penetration testers to probe their deployment and report on the findings. These reports can help that customer find and correct security risk(s) in their deployment. The catch is that the pen test report findings need to be evaluated in the context of that customer’s group policy objects, mitigations, tools, and [ more… ]