Windows Template Studio 1.6 released!

2017-12-22 KENNETH 0

Windows Template Studio 1.6 released! We’re extremely excited to announce the Windows Template Studio 1.6! In this release, we added in app scheme launch, finalized our work for localization, massive improvements in accessibility, and started our work for Visual Basic support. What’s new: Full list of adjustments in the 1.6 release, head over to WTS’s Github. New Pages: Image Gallery New Features: Drag and drop source Web to App Link Template improvements: Minor tweaks for Fluent Discovered a few pages that set background color Improvements to the Wizard: Lots of under the hood bug fixes and code improvements Much more Visual Basic engine work Work for supporting multiple projects in a single solution Work to support Prism How to get the update: There are two paths to update to the newest build. Already installed: Visual Studio should auto update the [ more… ]

[도서] Cloud CAD Onshape 3D 모델링 활용서

2017-12-22 KENNETH 0

[도서] Cloud CAD Onshape 3D 모델링 활용서 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]Cloud CAD Onshape 3D 모델링 활용서 이지혜,이경미,김미희 공저 | 메카피아 | 2018년 01월 판매가 17,100원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 190원(1%지급) 차세대 기술교육을 연구, 개발하는 엔씨드 팀이 제작하 교재로 혼자 학습을 하거나 교육자가 수업에 활용 할 수 있도록 안내 하였으며 매개변수 모델링(Parametric Modeling)방식 기반으로 작업 되어있다. 도면을 보 Source: [도서] Cloud CAD Onshape 3D 모델링 활용서

Autoscaling and Orchestration with NGINX Plus and Chef

2017-12-22 KENNETH 0

Autoscaling and Orchestration with NGINX Plus and Chef Introduction There are many solutions for handling autoscaling in cloud environments, but they’re usually dependent on the specific infrastructure of a given cloud provider. Leveraging the flexibility of NGINX Plus with the functionality of Chef, we can build an autoscaling system that can be used on most cloud providers. Chef has a tool, knife, which you can use at the command line to act on objects such as cookbooks, nodes, data bags, and more. Knife plugins help you extend knife. So we use knife plugins to help abstract out functionality specific to one specific cloud, enabling knife commands to work the same way across clouds. Requirements For this setup, we’ll be leveraging our NGINX Chef cookbook. The installation and a basic overview of this cookbook can be found here. Also, we’ll be utilizing [ more… ]

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#ifdef WINDOWS – Dev Center Analytics with Hannah Jimma

2017-12-22 KENNETH 0

#ifdef WINDOWS – Dev Center Analytics with Hannah Jimma Analytics are invaluable when it comes to continued success with Microsoft Store. Dev Center analytics enable developers to measure success and generate learnings about how users use their creations, and allow for targeted actions to increase reach and continuously improve the overall experience. I met with Hannah Jimma, a program manager on the Microsoft Store team focusing on Dev Center analytics, and I learned about what analytics are available today and some new features the team is working on for the future. Among other things, we covered:        Measuring success of acquisitions, including what data is available on the way developers are discovering your apps        Understanding how developers are using your apps and quickly discover bugs and crashes        Capturing feedback from your users and interacting with them        Analyzing data that is specific to [ more… ]

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RHSA-2017:3493-1: Low: Red Hat Enterprise MRG for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 6-month Notice

2017-12-22 KENNETH 0

RHSA-2017:3493-1: Low: Red Hat Enterprise MRG for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 6-month Notice Red Hat Enterprise Linux: This is the 6-month notification for the retirement of Red Hat Enterprise MRG Version 2 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. This notification applies only to those customers subscribed to Red Hat Enterprise MRG Version 2 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. Source: RHSA-2017:3493-1: Low: Red Hat Enterprise MRG for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 6-month Notice