PHP 지원기간 안내 (PHP Supported Versions)

Supported Versions

Each release branch of PHP is fully supported for two years from its initial stable release. During this period, bugs and security issues that have been reported are fixed and are released in regular point releases.

After this two year period of active support, each branch is then supported for an additional year for critical security issues only. Releases during this period are made on an as-needed basis: there may be multiple point releases, or none, depending on the number of reports.

Once the three years of support are completed, the branch reaches its end of life and is no longer supported. A table of end of life branches is available.

Currently Supported Versions

Branch Initial Release Active Support Until Security Support Until
5.4 1 Mar 2012 3 years, 1 month ago 14 Sep 2014 6 months ago 14 Sep 2015 in 5 months
5.5 20 Jun 2013 1 year, 9 months ago 20 Jun 2015 in 2 months 20 Jun 2016 in 1 year, 2 months
5.6 28 Aug 2014 7 months ago 28 Aug 2016 in 1 year, 4 months 28 Aug 2017 in 2 years, 4 months

Or, visualised as a calendar:

php supported versions


Active support A release that is being actively supported. Reported bugs and security issues are fixed and regular point releases are made.
Security fixes only A release that is supported for critical security issues only. Releases are only made on an as-needed basis.
End of life A release that is no longer supported. Users of this release should upgrade as soon as possible, as they may be exposed to unpatched security vulnerabilities.
Active support A release that is being actively supported. Reported bugs and security issues are fixed and regular point releases are made.
Security fixes only A release that is supported for critical security issues only. Releases are only made on an as-needed basis.
End of life A release that is no longer supported. Users of this release should upgrade as soon as possible, as they may be exposed to unpatched security vulnerabilities.
About KENNETH 19694 Articles

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