RHEA-2018:2115-1: MRG Realtime & RHEL for Real Time 7 Life Cycles extended to 30-Nov-2020

RHEA-2018:2115-1: MRG Realtime & RHEL for Real Time 7 Life Cycles extended to 30-Nov-2020

MRG Realtime & RHEL for Real Time 7 Life Cycles extended to 30-Nov-2020

MRG Realtime (for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6) and Red Hat Enterprise Linux for
Real Time 7 life cycles will be extended to 30 November 2020. During this
period, only Critical Security errata advisories (RHSAs) and Urgent Priority Bug
Fix errata advisories (RHBAs) may be released if and when they become available.

This notification applies only to customers with active Subscriptions to MRG
Realtime (for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6) and Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Real
Time 7.
Source: RHEA-2018:2115-1: MRG Realtime & RHEL for Real Time 7 Life Cycles extended to 30-Nov-2020

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