Submit a Talk and Register Now for nginx.conf 2016!

Submit a Talk and Register Now for nginx.conf 2016!

We’re excited to announce that registration and the Call for Proposals are now open for nginx.conf 2016. We’re looking forward to seeing you in Austin, TX this September 7-9.

Register now to save $400! Early bird pricing is available until May 19.

Share your story about how you’re using NGINX and NGINX Plus to help you achieve performance, security, and scale for your web applications. Whether you’re deploying your app in the cloud, on bare metal, or a combination, we want to hear how you’re using NGINX across any type of application and in any sort of environment. We’d love to see talks on any of the topics below:

  • Architecting, Developing, & Deploying Code
  • Scaling and Securing Applications
  • NGINX-specific and NGINX Plus-Specific Case Studies & Best Practices

Submit your ideas to our call for proposals by midnight, May 5th, 2016. We look forward to reviewing your talk submissions and hearing your insights into what you’d like to share with the NGINX community!

Dates and details:

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Source: Submit a Talk and Register Now for nginx.conf 2016!

About KENNETH 19690 Articles

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