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The Month in WordPress: February 2018

2018-03-01 KENNETH 0

The Month in WordPress: February 2018 Judging by the flurry of activity across the WordPress project throughout February, it looks like everyone is really getting into the swing of things for 2018. There have been a lot of interesting new developments, so read on to see what the community has been up to for the past month. WordPress 4.9.3 & 4.9.4 Early in the month, version 4.9.3 of WordPress was released, including a number of important bug fixes. Unfortunately it introduced a bug that prevented many sites from automatically updating to future releases. To remedy this issue, version 4.9.4 was released the following day requiring many people to manually update their sites. While this kind of issue is always regrettable, the good thing is that it was fixed quickly, and that not all sites had updated to 4.9.3 yet, which [ more… ]

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cannot load media library on wordpress (feat. modsecurity & sql injection ruleset)

2018-02-26 KENNETH 1

cannot load media library on wordpress (feat. modsecurity & sql injection ruleset)   1. 환경 OS : LINUX (CentOS-7) WEB : apache-2.4 (with mod_security) PHP : 7.1   2. 증상 어느날 갑자기 워드프레스의 “미디어 라이브러리”를 클릭 하면 아무것도 보이지 않음 “클릭” 하면 화면은 열리지만 이미 업로드된 미디어 목록이 보이지 않는 문제   3. 사건발생의 “전” 상황 추정 워드프레스 쪽에 별다른 수정을 한 내용 없음 서버 환경에 대해 변경된 내용 없음   4. 페이지 로딩시 특이 사항 페이지 로딩중 목록을 체크 해 보니 /wp/wp-admin/load-scripts.php 를 로드 하면서 “403” 에러 발생… 잉???   5. 4번의 검토 사항 GET /wp/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,underscore,shortcode,backbone,wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,wp-plupload,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-u&load%5B%5D=i-sortable,wp-mediaelement,wp-api-request,media-views,media-editor,media-audiovideo,mce-view,imgareaselect,image-edit,media-grid&load%5B%5D=,media,svg-painter,heartbeat,wp-auth-check&ver=4.9.4 HTTP/2.0 이 GET 액션이 modsecurity 에 걸린것이 확인됨.. ㄷㄷ 허나… 3번 항목에서 설명 한 것 처럼 서버의 환경을 변경한 사항은 없으며 특히나 mod_security 룰셋은 아주 오랫동안 변경한 내용이 없었음   6. 근데 왜 걸린거냐??? 음… mod_security 룰셋.. 그 중 sql injection 룰셋중 하나를 [ more… ]

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WordCamp Incubator 2.0

2018-02-22 KENNETH 0

WordCamp Incubator 2.0 WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by a team of local WordPress users who have a passion for growing their communities. They are born out of active WordPress meetup groups that meet regularly and are able to host an annual WordCamp event. This has worked very well in many communities, with over 120 WordCamps being hosted around the world in 2017. Sometimes though, passionate and enthusiastic community members can’t pull together enough people in their community to make a WordCamp happen. To address this, we introduced the WordCamp Incubator program in 2016. The goal of the incubator program is to help spread WordPress to underserved areas by providing more significant organizing support for their first WordCamp event. In 2016, members of the global community team worked with volunteers in three cities — Denpasar, Harare [ more… ]

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WordPress 4.9.4 Maintenance Release

2018-02-07 KENNETH 0

WordPress 4.9.4 Maintenance Release WordPress 4.9.4 is now available. This maintenance release fixes a severe bug in 4.9.3, which will cause sites that support automatic background updates to fail to update automatically, and will require action from you (or your host) for it to be updated to 4.9.4. Four years ago with WordPress 3.7 “Basie”, we added the ability for WordPress to self-update, keeping your website secure and bug-free, even when you weren’t available to do it yourself. For four years it’s helped keep millions of installs updated with very few issues over that time. Unfortunately yesterdays 4.9.3 release contained a severe bug which was only discovered after release. The bug will cause WordPress to encounter an error when it attempts to update itself to WordPress 4.9.4, and will require an update to be performed through the WordPress dashboard or [ more… ]

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WordPress 4.9.3 Maintenance Release

2018-02-06 KENNETH 0

WordPress 4.9.3 Maintenance Release WordPress 4.9.3 is now available. This maintenance release fixes 34 bugs in 4.9, including fixes for Customizer changesets, widgets, visual editor, and PHP 7.2 compatibility. For a full list of changes, consult the list of tickets and the changelog. Download WordPress 4.9.3 or visit Dashboard → Updates and click “Update Now.” Sites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update automatically. Thank you to everyone who contributed to WordPress 4.9.3: Aaron Jorbin, abdullahramzan, Adam Silverstein, Andrea Fercia, andreiglingeanu, Andrew Ozz, Brandon Payton, Chetan Prajapati, coleh, Darko A7, David Cramer, David Herrera, Dion Hulse, Felix Arntz, Frank Klein, Gary Pendergast, Jb Audras, Jeffrey Paul, lizkarkoski, Marius L. J., mattyrob, Monika Rao, munyagu, ndavison, Nick Momrik, Peter Wilson, Rachel Baker, rishishah, Ryan Paul, Sami Ahmed Siddiqui, Sayed Taqui, Sean Hayes, Sergey Biryukov, Shawn Hooper, Stephen Edgar, [ more… ]