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WordPress 4.8 Beta 1

2017-05-13 KENNETH 0

WordPress 4.8 Beta 1 We’re planning a smaller WP release early next month, bringing in three major enhancements: An improved visual editor experience, with a new TinyMCE that allows you navigate more intuitively in and out of inline elements like links. (Try it out to see, it’s hard to describe.) A revamp of the dashboard news widget to bring in nearby and upcoming events including meetups and WordCamps. Several new media widgets covering images, audio, and video, and an enhancement to the text widget to support visual editing. The first beta of 4.8 is now available for testing. You can use the beta tester plugin (or just run trunk) to try the latest and greatest, and each of these areas could use a ton of testing. Our goals are to make editing posts with links more intuitive, make widgets easier [ more… ]

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WordPress 4.7.4 Maintenance Release

2017-04-21 KENNETH 0

WordPress 4.7.4 Maintenance Release After almost sixty million downloads of WordPress 4.7, we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of WordPress 4.7.4, a maintenance release. This release contains 47 maintenance fixes and enhancements, chief among them an incompatibility between the upcoming Chrome version and the visual editor, inconsistencies in media handling, and further improvements to the REST API. For a full list of changes, consult the release notes and the list of changes. Download WordPress 4.7.4 or visit Dashboard → Updates and simply click “Update Now.” Sites that support automatic background updates are already beginning to update to WordPress 4.7.4. Thanks to everyone who contributed to 4.7.4: Aaron Jorbin, Adam Silverstein, Andrea Fercia, Andrew Ozz, aussieguy123, Blobfolio, boldwater, Boone Gorges, Boro Sitnikovski, chesio, Curdin Krummenacher, Daniel Bachhuber, Darren Ethier (nerrad), David A. Kennedy, davidbenton, David Herrera, Dion Hulse, Dominik Schilling (ocean90), eclev91, Ella Van Dorpe, Gustave [ more… ]

만들면서 배우는 워드프레스

만들면서 배우는 워드프레스 – 한빛미디어

2017-03-29 KENNETH 0

만들면서 배우는 워드프레스 저자 : 박현우 출판사 : 한빛미디어 책정보 :     개요 대상 독자 워드프레스를 사용하고자 하는 사람 웹페이지 또는 개인 블로그 등을 만들고자 하는 입문자 (WEB 관련해서 적당한 용어는 알지만, 전문적인 지식 까지는 필요하지 않음)   특징 흐름 워드프레스 설치 부터 사이트 제작 까지 친절한 설명으로 안내하고 있다.   인프라 구성 안내 이 책의 대상은 초심자이기 때문에 워드프레스의 개념을 익힌 후 다운을 받았어도 사이트를 올릴 곳에 대한 개념이 없을 가능성이 있다. 초심자 입장에서 당연히 고민하게될 인프라 요소인 도메인 호스팅 에 대한 안내를 해주고 있다. 국내에서 대표적이라고 할 수 있는 업체 선정과, 가격 요소를 고려하여 테스트 환경을 최종 선택하는 방식을 사용했다. 테스트 업체로 선정된 cafe24 의 사용법 안내는 상당히 자세하게 나와있는데… cafe24의 자사 홈페이지에도 이정도 수준의 자세한 내용이 걸려있지는 않을것이다.   입문자를 위한 설명 메뉴 구성 편집기 사용법 등의 워드프레스를 처음 접하는 그 중에서도 IT관련 내용 초심자에게 받아들이기 어려운 [ more… ]

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WordPress 4.7.3 Security and Maintenance Release

2017-03-07 KENNETH 0

WordPress 4.7.3 Security and Maintenance Release WordPress 4.7.3 is now available. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. WordPress versions 4.7.2 and earlier are affected by six security issues: Cross-site scripting (XSS) via media file metadata.  Reported by Chris Andrè Dale, Yorick Koster, and Simon P. Briggs. Control characters can trick redirect URL validation.  Reported by Daniel Chatfield. Unintended files can be deleted by administrators using the plugin deletion functionality.  Reported by xuliang. Cross-site scripting (XSS) via video URL in YouTube embeds.  Reported by Daniel Cid. Cross-site scripting (XSS) via taxonomy term names.  Reported by Delta. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) in Press This leading to excessive use of server resources.  Reported by Sipke Mellema. Thank you to the reporters for practicing responsible disclosure. In addition to the security issues above, WordPress 4.7.3 contains 39 maintenance [ more… ]

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WordPress 4.7.2 Security Release

2017-01-27 KENNETH 0

WordPress 4.7.2 Security Release WordPress 4.7.2 is now available. This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. WordPress versions 4.7.1 and earlier are affected by three security issues: The user interface for assigning taxonomy terms in Press This is shown to users who do not have permissions to use it. Reported by David Herrera of Alley Interactive. WP_Query is vulnerable to a SQL injection (SQLi) when passing unsafe data. WordPress core is not directly vulnerable to this issue, but we’ve added hardening to prevent plugins and themes from accidentally causing a vulnerability. Reported by Mo Jangda (batmoo). A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was discovered in the posts list table. Reported by Ian Dunn of the WordPress Security Team. Thank you to the reporters of these issues for practicing responsible disclosure. Download WordPress 4.7.2 or venture over to Dashboard [ more… ]