USN-3275-3: OpenJDK 7 regression

USN-3275-3: OpenJDK 7 regression

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-3275-3

18th May, 2017

openjdk-7 regression

A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its

  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


USN-3275-2 introduced a regression in OpenJDK 7.

Software description

  • openjdk-7
    – Open Source Java implementation


USN-3275-2 fixed vulnerabilities in OpenJDK 7. Unfortunately, the
update introduced a regression when handling TLS handshakes. This
update fixes the problem.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Original advisory details:

It was discovered that OpenJDK improperly re-used cached NTLM
connections in some situations. A remote attacker could possibly
use this to cause a Java application to perform actions with the
credentials of a different user. (CVE-2017-3509)

It was discovered that an untrusted library search path flaw existed
in the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) component of OpenJDK. A
local attacker could possibly use this to gain the privileges of a
Java application. (CVE-2017-3511)

It was discovered that the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) component
in OpenJDK did not properly enforce size limits when parsing XML
documents. An attacker could use this to cause a denial of service
(processor and memory consumption). (CVE-2017-3526)

It was discovered that the FTP client implementation in OpenJDK did
not properly sanitize user inputs. If a user was tricked into opening
a specially crafted FTP URL, a remote attacker could use this to
manipulate the FTP connection. (CVE-2017-3533)

It was discovered that OpenJDK allowed MD5 to be used as an algorithm
for JAR integrity verification. An attacker could possibly use this
to modify the contents of a JAR file without detection. (CVE-2017-3539)

It was discovered that the SMTP client implementation in OpenJDK
did not properly sanitize sender and recipient addresses. A remote
attacker could use this to specially craft email addresses and gain
control of a Java application's SMTP connections. (CVE-2017-3544)

Update instructions

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following
package version:

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:






To update your system, please follow these instructions:

This update uses a new upstream release, which includes additional
bug fixes. After a standard system update you need to restart any
Java applications or applets to make all the necessary changes.


LP: 1691126,

Source: USN-3275-3: OpenJDK 7 regression

About KENNETH 19690 Articles

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