USN-4041-2: Linux kernel (HWE) update

USN-4041-2: Linux kernel (HWE) update

linux-lts-xenial, linux-aws, linux-azure update

A security issue affects these releases of Ubuntu and its derivatives:

  • Ubuntu 14.04 ESM


Several security issues were fixed in the Linux kernel.

Software Description

  • linux-aws – Linux kernel for Amazon Web Services (AWS) systems
  • linux-azure – Linux kernel for Microsoft Azure Cloud systems
  • linux-lts-xenial – Linux hardware enablement kernel from Xenial for Trusty


USN-4041-1 provided updates for the Linux kernel in Ubuntu.
This update provides the corresponding updates for the Linux kernel
for Ubuntu 16.04 ESM.

USN-4017-2 fixed vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel. Unfortunately,
the update introduced a regression that interfered with networking
applications that setup very low SO_SNDBUF values. This update fixes
the problem.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Jonathan Looney discovered that the Linux kernel could be coerced into
segmenting responses into multiple TCP segments. A remote attacker could
construct an ongoing sequence of requests to cause a denial of service.

Update instructions

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package versions:

Ubuntu 14.04 ESM
linux-image-4.15.0-1049-azure – 4.15.0-1049.54~14.04.1
linux-image-4.4.0-1048-aws – 4.4.0-1048.52
linux-image-4.4.0-154-generic – 4.4.0-154.181~14.04.1
linux-image-4.4.0-154-generic-lpae – 4.4.0-154.181~14.04.1
linux-image-4.4.0-154-lowlatency – 4.4.0-154.181~14.04.1
linux-image-4.4.0-154-powerpc-e500mc – 4.4.0-154.181~14.04.1
linux-image-4.4.0-154-powerpc-smp – 4.4.0-154.181~14.04.1
linux-image-4.4.0-154-powerpc64-emb – 4.4.0-154.181~14.04.1
linux-image-4.4.0-154-powerpc64-smp – 4.4.0-154.181~14.04.1
linux-image-aws –
linux-image-azure –
linux-image-generic-lpae-lts-xenial –
linux-image-generic-lts-xenial –
linux-image-lowlatency-lts-xenial –
linux-image-powerpc-e500mc-lts-xenial –
linux-image-powerpc-smp-lts-xenial –
linux-image-powerpc64-emb-lts-xenial –
linux-image-powerpc64-smp-lts-xenial –
linux-image-virtual-lts-xenial –

To update your system, please follow these instructions:

After a standard system update you need to reboot your computer to make
all the necessary changes.

ATTENTION: Due to an unavoidable ABI change the kernel updates have
been given a new version number, which requires you to recompile and
reinstall all third party kernel modules you might have installed.
Unless you manually uninstalled the standard kernel metapackages
(e.g. linux-generic, linux-generic-lts-RELEASE, linux-virtual,
linux-powerpc), a standard system upgrade will automatically perform
this as well.


Source: USN-4041-2: Linux kernel (HWE) update

About KENNETH 19690 Articles

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